Sunday, February 12, 2006
happy first!

Today is my first knitversary. One year ago today I bought my first pair of needles and some acrylic wool at the Lewiscraft (closed forever yesterday). One year ago I opened Stitch n' Bitch and started givin'r. My mom taught me to knit when I was younger, but I'd never finished anything. I'd always knit too tightly, split stitches, dropped stitches, and given up easily. This time, it was like my needles were enchanted, and I began to see what one could do as a semicompetant knittrix. I think Debbie would be proud.

Year in Review Stats:

By the numbers

Finished objects:


* total is higher than FO's because I combined some patterns into one object and some projects into one gift



As for my weekly goals, I've finished the trunk of Enzo's green sweater, and am about halfway up one sleeve. I remain completely stymied on my Sockapaloooza project, as I can't find 2.5 mm needles to save my life. I've been to three stores and disappointed on all counts. I'm starting to see my life as a comical montage, with LYS after LYS slamming doors in my face. "You can't do it / so give up now / whatcha gonna knit when the yarn runs out? Ain't that a draaag!"

- Rocketbride's knit-venture of 2:22 PM -

0 cast on -


KER++($) Exp+ SPM++ Bam+ Steel Wool++ Lux+ Cot Nov Syn Hemp- Stash+(+) Scale+ Fin(-) Ent- Felt+ Lace+ FI Int Flat Circ+ DPN+ Swatch- KiP+ Blog SNB+ EZ+ FO+ WIP++ GaugeW+(Fin) ALTCr+Em


The contents of this site, unless otherwise noted, are copyright Rocketbride 1997-2007.
Don't make me send out the attack toddler.